Monday, February 3, 2014

Favorite Things

Hello, blog readers! I have been absent the past few days, it feels like forever!! I just haven't made time to write. Life gets busy, and I am a girl who needs her sleep. I go to bed around 11, read till 12, and sleep to nearly 10. I'm busy all day so that leaves the night to write and as of late I have been extremely sleepy after struggling to stay awake to finish a chapter. To say the least, I am sleepy 96.4% of the time, the other 3.6% of the time I am sleeping. 

Having been quiet on the blog this past week I am determined to post tonight. A family-favorite in my house is the movie The Sound of Music. If you haven't seen this movie, you must. Not the poorly performed Carrie Underwood version, but the Julie Andrews version. Julie sings a song about her favorite things to the children to help them relax in the thunderstorm. I am inspired [;)] to write a list if my favorite things. 

Now I know I've been doing a lot of lists, but it is a good way to get to know me. So here is a list of a few of my favorite things.

1) ice cold water 

2) when my dad buys me a flower(s). It makes me feel loved. 

3) freshly shaved legs [guys don't quite understand this. They just feel so silky!]

4) gym clothes [particularly sweatpants and leggings]

5) being so sore that I can barely walk [what I will be in the morning, it was leg day]

6) making things for friends 

7) purses [what girl doesn't love purses?!?!]

8) finishing books 

9) sleeping with my cat on the end of the bed 

10) sleeping in until 1 p.m. [ I'm a teen, I am automatically supposed to do this] 

11) hot coffee

12) candles 

13) my cat [her name is Boo, she is big and all black] 

14) The Andy Griffith Show [ I just love his eyebrows! #mcm]

15) Scarves & Hats 

16) talking to animals in a silly voice 

17) long, hot showers [loooooooooong] 

18) making babies smile 

19) listening to music 

20) spending time with my family 

These are 20 of my favorite things! (Oh, and home made smoothies. I hate odd numbers). I will be back again soon with another post! Goodnight, everyone. And remember, owl be hawkward, so should you. ;) 


  1. I love the list of your favorite things! Beautiful post!

