Thursday, May 22, 2014


My Current Emotion: So much to do so little time.

This morning I woke up to 6 text messages from my best friend informing me she arrived home. At 8:30. For me, a 16 year old who needs 9-12 hours of sleep or else I can't function, that was way too freaking early. Normally I wouldn't mind be awakened at that time because normally I can fall back asleep. Of course though, on a day when I had a TON to do, I don't fall back to sleep. Now I am struggling to stay awake and complete multiple tasks.

But of course, I am sitting here blogging.

In my own defense I'm also covering my Bible reading for today, searching for sheet music for the graduation tomorrow, and Facebooking. Hashtag: Multitasking.

This morning when I couldn't return to my blissful state, I started watching YouTube videos. Not even soothing ones to help me sleep either, I watched funny ones that made me laugh. After watching many pointless videos I got an idea for a blog post and started writing it. Amidst my brilliant idea and hard work, I received multiple text messages from my two best friends asking if I was available to help them decorate for a graduation. I was glad to because I haven't seen them in a month and I like helping people. This took us the entire day, and we didn't even get it completely done.

And as I search for sheet music I am not finding it and it s ireally stressing me out. I am taking deep breaths because it's all going to work out, and it's not a big deal. Breathe Kaydee, breathe.

I had a lot I needed to do today too, like clean my bathroom and my bedroom and put laundry away. Did that stuff get done? No. 

I'm just really tired and I need sleep.


P.S. I will post my brilliant idea post when I have time, probably tomorrow night, or the next, or the next.

Owl be hawkward, even when I'm tired, peace out. (Don't forget to like my Facebook page, and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. The little doodads up there to the right should help you with that.)

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