Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Chapters

As I put the finishing touches on my newly painted room and carried my unpacked suitcase to the garage, it hit me:

I'm staying here. 

My Germany adventure ended July 18, and now it is time to begin a new adventure here, in my little home town of St. Michaels. I have no idea what that adventure holds for me in the next few months, but no doubt it will be crazy. 

In August I start my last year of high school. Next week my mom is taking me to register for college classes, and they will be counted as dual credits. In May of 2015, I will graduate high school. I'm going to get my driver's license in a few weeks, I'm going to start working again at my old job. A lot of new and "grown-up" changes are coming my way. 

After such an exciting and unreal experience in Germany, I could be totally disappointed in this new chapter of life. But I'm not, because who knows if this new chapter of life will last months and months? I don't know what tomorrow holds, or next week, or next year, but I do know that God gave me a life to live and a reason to be joyful. He gave me a purpose: to honor and glorify Him and to bring others into His light. I don't have to live a boring life to do that, I can have an adventure everyday while shining His light. 

I am completely excited for the next few months; for the changes they will bring, for the new people to meet and places to go. For growing in Jesus and becoming more like Him. 

Enjoy your adventures while they last, and embrace the new ones that come. 

If you would like to follow my life more, the icons to the right will lead you to my Instagram/twitter profiles, and to my Facebook page. Just click on them, then click follow! 

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