Tuesday, August 12, 2014

I'm gonna miss you Genie

So I was sitting here, lookin' at my snapchat with my fresh cup of delicious coffee sitting against my legs. I look down, and my coffee is about to spill all over my cute owl bed spread and I just had 
to breathe and calmly readjust my cup. Talk about a heart attack. I would have lost my coffee AND ruined my bed spread. Whew. 

In other news: Robin Williams died yesterday and I'm sure you know. What a total week ruiner. He was probably one of my favorite actors and he never ceased to make me laugh. It is really so sad that he couldn't find the will to live. He was 63 years old, people that age have already been through so much, you would think they had the sense in them to keep on living. But he didn't, he had so much fame, and he was so rich, and he had a wife and kids...but he couldn't live any longer. 

Just goes to show that when you don't have Jesus, you really don't have anything. It makes me thankful...even though I don't have a ton of money and I'm not famous, I am joyful and content because I have Christ. 

We did a photoshoot Sunday night, me and my gals! I'll probably post a few pictures later. I'm going to use some for my Facebook page too...or I might just do another shoot. It was a lot of fun, and we got all dolled up. Even when it got dark we were able to get some cute ones with flash. Fun, fun! 

Sorry for taking so long to post, I have kind of been in a blah mood lately with writing, but I'm back ;) have a fabulous Tuesday, dolls! 

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