Monday, October 27, 2014

Favorite Things: October

Can you believe we're on the last week of October already? The year is almost over, Thanksgiving and Christmas are on their way! It's crazy how quickly time flies. I am looking forward to November, because we're going on another road trip! I also turn in both of my big assignments and after that I am home free. As you all know, I do a favorite things post often, so I decided to do one for October! Here are my top 5 favorite things from this month. 

1. A crazy awesome surprise from my best friend, who got to stay with me for a week. Then we went to the Grand Canyon together. It was absolutely the best week of the month! 

2. The week after I got to spend some quality time with my best friend, I was able to go on a road trip to Houston Texas! It was a really awesome week with a lot of really awesome people and activities.

3. 5 WORDS: BLUE BELL ICE CREAM FACTORY. If you don't know what Blue Bell Ice Cream is, I feel so very sorry for you. It is simply put: the best ice cream in the world. 

4. This awesome beanie happened too...It is one of the best store bought beanies I have!
5. Last of my favorite things are these two dogs. The big one (Chocolate) is my grandmother's neighbor's, and the little one (Hildegaard) is mine (technically my mom's but whatever)! They were so cute together, chasing each other around!

There are many more favorite things about October, but there are also things I dislike very much. Like the fact that my brother is leaving for Marine boot camp tomorrow and we won't get to spend loads of time together very often. Growing up is rough!

What are some of your favorite things from October? Share them with me!

Owl Be Hawkward

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Love Hard, Love Much, Love Always

I had the  wonderful privilege of being at home with my grandparents last week. I also had the pleasure of being in a missions conference with my family, and seeing an old missionary friend I met years ago. Over all, my week was so blessed and filled with Jesus. Being immersed in God's Word and burdened for countries presented by willing missionaries. My heart was refilled and now is over flowing. I hadn't been to my grand parents' in over two years, and it was such a blessing to see them again. While I was having a good time, shopping and shooting and eating ice cream and donuts, my heart was not completely happy.

My grandmother was diagnosed with a form of dementia this summer, and I saw the affects in full force last week. 

There is nothing more difficult than seeing someone you love, someone you've known forever, slowly deteriorate. The person you've always known as funny and loving, a shopaholic, morph into someone you don't know anymore. It hurts to see their face when you tell them something and they don't fully comprehend what you mean. To see them struggle to walk, struggle to enjoy life. It is heart breaking. Knowing that it will only get worse, that it can't be reversed and it will rapidly progress. Knowing that no medicine can help, nothing can. Knowing that the grandmother you once knew is fading away. All of it hurts.

We wonder what to do, we worry over how we will take care of her, seeing that we live 1700 miles away. All we can do is trust that the Lord has a plan, and He will take care of everything. 

Cherish your loved ones. You never know when you won't have them anymore. Don't take advantage of the time you have with them, because it is very short. Love hard, love much, love always.  

Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
Psalms 143:8

Owl Be Hawkward