Sunday, November 17, 2013

I Can't Think of a Title but You Should Read This Anyway

Coffee With Kaydee
      Hey lovely lillies!
Sorry for the odd greeting, just kidding. How was your week? I hope it was fabulous because I'm nice like that. (Hash tag conceited). My week was interesting...I guess. I'm not sure which adjective to use there, I'll tell you about and you can use your own adjectives like a Mad Lib.  
     On Tuesday I went shopping! It was fun, but I didn't shop for myself, which was still fun! I learned something that day. I went to the mall in the middle of the day, a school day, so there were like only 5 teens there and I suspected them of ditching. I learned that that's when all the old people go! You know what old people do? They walk slow as turtles through the mall. I get the joy of getting stuck behind them. I mean come on!!! WALK FASTER! I am in the mall on a mission, I'm trying to get to Hollister, buy what I want, then go find my Mom so my Dad doesn't have to wait for a century. But nooooooo let's stroll through the mall in front of the young girl who has to pee and purchase a Christmas present before she spends money on herself. What. Ever. 
     The other day, (I don't know which one, but it was one of the days in the previous week) I found out one of my closest friends has a blog! I freaked out. Her name is Emily and her blog link is so go check it out! It will make you laugh! She is so awesome, and it makes me feel less nerdy because I'm not the only one out of my group of friends who blogs. ALSO! Emily and I are trying to convince her parents to let her come out here this December. She lives in south east Texas so she's never seen snow and she doesn't know what it means to be cold. (Not literally, that's a hyperbole). My parents are chill with it, but ya know... got to have everyone chill. "Let her go, she's a free spirit she needs to fly."
     My dad just brought in the birthday cake he made for himself with the candles on it (lit) and accidentally blew them out by his laughter. 
     As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I went shopping for a friend's Christmas present and I'm really nervous about it! Like irrationally so. What if they don't like the colors? (that worry makes me laugh for a reason I can't tell you of) What if it's too big or too small? What if they don't like the style? I have a whole month of anxiety ahead of me. I mean what if they think it's weird that I bought it for them? What if someone else gets them the same thing? I DON'T KNOW. 

     One month from today I turn 16. In case you were wondering.

Journey To Germany
     I was afraid orders would slow down after this last round, I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to earn money by selling my stuff and then it'd be harder to get to Germany. Silly me! I advertised a lot yesterday and I got like 8-10 more orders! Thank you Lord! God is still providing and I am still going to make it to Germany to visit the wonderful people there and see a different part of the world. My excitement is so overflowing sometimes that I barely keep myself from screaming. I am excited for every part of the trip! Going to the airport, leaving on the plane, the plane ride, the photography, landing, seeing my friends at the airport, hugging them, laughing, eating German food, going to German church, hanging out with Timmy and Caleb, listening to people speak German, everything!!! It's going to be so amazing and I cannot wait! I WANT TO USE SO MANY EXCLAMATION POINTS TO SHOW YOU HOW EXCITED I AM BUT I'LL JUST TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND HOPE YOU GET THE PICTURE.

Thank Goodness Thanks
     This week I am thankful for jobs. As a home schooler I get really tired of being at home, and I don't have any extracurricular activities so having a job lets me get away, and I have spending money! I get tired of asking my parents for money so I'm really glad to be able to pay my own way at the movies and such like. I'm also thankful for jobs because without them I wouldn't be able to go to Germany. So, thank you, Emerson, for letting me work for you, and thank you, Chi'hootso Baptist Church, for letting me work for you. I am also thankful for Holidays and Christmas music for two reasons. 1) I'm thankful for holidays because they give me a break from my education, and they give me a break from life. Holidays are like a little bubble of time when you can smile and be thankful and eat a lot. It's like the perfect excuse to be happy for a day, an excuse to say funny things and have a good time and do silly little Christmas dances. It's a bubble that we enter with the cloudy weather and late sunrises. With the turkeys and Christmas trees. Giving people gifts and giving people joy. An extra excuse to love extra hard. 2) Christmas music just fills you with a feeling of warmth, sentiment, and calmness. It changes the atmosphere around you and you know it's the holidays. I can't explain it, but I'm thankful for the feeling that Christmas music brings. If you haven't noticed I have a horribly lovely case of the holiday hibeejeebees! Lastly, this week I'm thankful for biology. It so amazing to learn about how intricately designed God's creation is. Every day when I do my biology I am more and more amazed and more clearly lead to medicine. I'm so thankful I can learn this subject, and from a Biblical view. 

Time With Christ 
       I've recently decided to start reading the Bible like a novel. I mean, it is kind of like that, right? It's like the most amazing novel ever written. Typically when you read God's Word you read it to glean something from it, to learn and grow and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's how you're supposed to. Have you ever tried to read it like a story? Just read it like a fictional book, but the best part is that it's not fiction! Every bit is true and you can not beat that!  This week it was brought to my attention once again how wonderful God is. He is truly an awesome God. Like I mentioned before about being thankful for biology, God is reminding me how complex He is. I can study and study and discover for my entire life and I will never come close to understanding God. Just looking at how vertebrates' brains work blows my mind ( pun intended). The human body is so extremely complex and to think about the mind that created it, you can't even fathom how complex God's mind is. 

Questions from a QT
     Yes! This week I was able to remember questions that I asked myself.
1) Why are people in northern New Mexico and Arizona still wearing shorts?! We don't live in Phoenix, L.A. or anywhere else hot. It's cold outside! Put on some jeans!
2) Can you train sheep to parachute? I leave you to answer that one. 

Quotes From Cody 
Shhhh, don't tell him. ;) 
 I was able to get some this week, HOLLA!
     "Posture dear, no one will respect you without good posture." 

     "We don't do petty crimes, if we do crimes we do them all the way" 

     "NEVER TOUCH A BLACK MAN'S RADIO" (no racism implied) 

Bucket List
     I almost forgot what I had thought of for this one! I want to be a barista before my life ends. Specifically a barista at Starbucks. I love coffee, and if I work as one I can learn to make a bunch of different coffees and it just sounds really fancy. Two of my cousins have been baristas so I think it's a Merritt blood thing. Hopefully I can get a job in two years as one! 

Well, that's all for this week! Remember, owl be hawkward, so should you!



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