Friday, May 30, 2014

I Like Roller Coasters

Hey guys! All my posts lately have been pretty deep, so I decided to do a fun post. I looked up questions on the interwebs and I'm going to answer them here. If I had like a ton of followers it would be easier but since I don't...I have to use google. They are just some random questions to help you get to know me better. Here it goes!!

1) where would your dream vacation be?  
-this one is hard because I love traveling and I want to go everywhere. I don't think my dream vacation in any one place, my dream vacation would probably be a world tour where I spend 3-4 days in a few different countries in every continent with my 4 bestfriends.

2) what sound do you love? 
-this probably sounds super cliché, but I love the sound and smell of rain and thunder. It's my favorite thing ever, and it makes me so happy. 

3) if you were a dinosaur, what kind would you be? 
-I am seriously lacking in my knowledge of dinosaurs, are there any 4 year old little boys around to inform me? (I'd be the one with a really long neck)

4) if you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? 
- I would probably choose....Bella Swan because I'm a twihard. She gets to be married to a hot vampire who is madly in love with her and super romantic. Duh. 

5) if you were a super hero or super villain what power would you have?
-this is kind of hard...I think I would have to be a super hero and my power would be to make people who are super sad super happy because I'm nice like that. 

6) if you could breed two completely different animals together, what animal would you create? 
-I love cats and hedgehogs are ridiculously cute... So obviously I would make a hedgecat. 

7) what languages can you speak? 
-English (obviously) a tiny bit of Navajo (a Native American language) and a tinsie bit of German. 

8) do you love or hate roller coasters? 
-I had never been on a legit roller coaster in my life until 3 weeks ago. I was terrified  at first but to say the least I got over it and now...well I love them. 

9) what's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? 
-I'm pretty picky when it comes to food, so I have never tried anything super weird. But once I was talked into eating calamari (aka fried squid) and it was weird and rather disgusting. 

10) what would be in your dream sandwich? 
-pepperoni, salami, ham, bacon, swiss cheese, mayonnaise, pasta, roast beef, and grapes. (This just made me hungry) 

Well that's all the questions for today! I hope you guys learned something about me. If you liked this, leave a comment saying so! It will let me know if I should keep doing things like this :) 

Owl be hawkward, so should you!

I love getting to know people! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page so I can get to know you and vice versa! The icons to the right will direct you to these places. 

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