Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summa Time

I feel bad for my unexplained absence this week. I'm posting twice today just to make up for it. ;) 

I just realized I need a signature greeting because I have a signature Farewell...I am going to think of one by the end of this week. 

Now! To the main point of this post: Summer Time. As a little kid, I looked forward to summer with overflowing anticipation. The end of the last day of school was like the gateway to heaven. The long days of sunlight in which I was able to play outside until 10 o'clock because it never seemed to get dark, and when it did, I didn't notice. Sitting in the hot dirt under a blistering sun with my older bothers digging holes (What else does a desert kid do?). Swinging on swings and seeing how far we could jump off. Going to my best friend's house and trying to jump on the trampoline while our feet burned, getting the water hose out and sliding across it. Playing in ditches full of water after heavy rains, catching tadpoles. Having mud fights and getting so dirty we couldn't even go inside.

The anticipation is still there, but now it is a little different. A little less responsibility and a lot more sunshine greets me on that last day of school. Endless hiking trips in the hot sun, never getting tired. Late night games of knock out in my drive way, laying on the trampoline at my best friend's house watching the stars. Going to Denny's at 1 a.m. for snack. Trips to see the new movies and messing around at wal-mart. All-nighters watching movies and playing board games. An extremely busy and fun week at youth camp, and now adding a 4-week trip to a beautiful European country. 

I think that as we see summer coming at us, we all reminisce to our past summers. We see what has changed, who isn't there any more and who is that wasn't before. How you have grown and your fun has grown and changed with you. You remember all the good times and jokes that still come around, and a twinge of sadness pricks your heart. Then a smile stretches across your face as you think of all the possible memories to be made this summer. All the exciting things that will happen and friends that will be made, moments of laughter that split your sides open and memories that will last forever. 

Summer time is amazing, beautiful, and chalked full of memories to be made. Happy Summer! 

Owl be hawkward, so should you;) 

I love making new friends! If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and like my Facebook page that is exactly what will happen! The icons to the right will direct you to these places :) 

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