Friday, July 31, 2015

Favorite Acoustic Jamz

Hey there! I don't know where you are, but where I am it's cloudy and thundering--the perfect weather for acoustic music! So, to finish up this month of July I'd thought I would share with you my favorite acoustic songs at the moment!

(These are in no particular order... they are all my favorite)

Firestone- Kygo Featuring Conrad Sewell
I just found this song yesterday. I love the original electronic version as well, but this one is simply fire! (Ha...see what I did there?) It's so fire that I started learning it on the piano last night! The intro and verse are simple but the pre-chorus and chorus get a little more complicated. I'm excited to finish learning it. Take a listen!

Renegades- X Ambassadors 
I woke up this morning with this song in my head. It's so catchy! It also goes nicely with the weather. Do you have any favorites by the X Ambassadors? I haven't really listened to them, so if you do I'd love to know your suggestions!

Lean On-Major Lazer (Christina Grimmie Cover)
 I found Christina Grimmie on YouTube a few years ago and instantly fell in love with her voice. It's so unique and powerful! I was ecstatic when I saw she covered this song because I love the original version. Here's the link to her video.

I Lived-One Republic
I don't think it's completely acoustic, but that's okay. One Republic is such a good band and Ryan Tedder is an amazing song writer. This song is full of good vibes and inspiration to live your life! I think it's a good song for someone who is just beginning life on their own. It's full of good wishes for bravery and good times. Inspiring!

Stole the Show- Kygo
I don't think the acoustic version is on an album, but you can look up live versions on YouTube. I'm really happy I found Kygo! I plan on learning this song on the piano as well. I'm excited to see what other music this dude puts out because everything I've heard is really awesome.

That's it for today! I'll see you Tuesday with another post. I planned out all of August's posts so there will be a lot better content coming. If you have any favorites let me know!

As always, have a great day and even greater cup of coffee!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Project Work-Out: Tips for the Gym!

      If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I am very into fitness. I'm a huge advocate for weight lifting and actually being in a gym. I started out when I was 15, I would go with my brother 3-4 days a week and run, as well as lift some weights. I didn't really know what I was doing in the weight area, however. Summer came, and although I still had a heart for weight lifting, I stopped going to the gym and working out as often. I started going again at the end of the summer and took it more seriously. I learned better form, more ways to work your muscles, I learned about cardio and diet, and I'm still learning every day. It changed from being there to relieve stress to being there with a purpose and a goal to build strength and muscle.

If you're wanting to get in shape and start working out regularly, but you're lacking the motivation because you don't really know how to start, then I'm here with a yummy cup of joe to share a few tips with you!

1. Decide to Start
The first step it obvious. You have to make the decision to start. Pick a date to begin. Sooner is always better than later. If you say you'll start next month, then you've just lost a whole month of progress!

2. Find a Gym
In my experience, if you want to work out at home, it's a lot harder to find the motivation. You're home is where you relax, therefore your brain is going to associate your environment with relaxing. If you find a gym, your brain will associate your environment with exercising. Find a gym that you like, and go to it. 

3. Find a Gym Partner!
A gym partner is an amazing thing to have. Be sure it's someone you are comfortable being around, who also has similar goals in mind. Ask them to keep you accountable with your diet, and help each other get to the gym on those off days.

4. Make a Plan
You've decided to start, you have a gym membership, and you've found someone to work out with you, now it's time to have an idea of what you're going to do. Make sure you know what days of the week you're going to the gym, and what time. If you go on whether or not you feel like going to the gym, you may not go very often. Also, you need to know what you're going to do. Seeing all the weights and the machines can be overwhelming. Are you going to do cardio? For how long? Are you going to lift? What lifts are you going to do? Do you know how to do those particular lifts? These are questions you need to ask before going into a gym. If you don't know what you're going to do, you'll lose motivation and end up with a half-hearted work out that didn't really do much.

5. Start Slow
If you start out with a crazy work out and strict diet, you will wear yourself down and give up. If you haven't been in the gym recently, I recommend starting off with more cardio to ease into the swing of things. 30 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of lifting is a good place to start. After 2 or 3 weeks you can add more lifting into the equation, then ease up on cardio some. As for diet, don't start crazy because you're body won't have time to adjust. You'll end up starving, then you'll indulge when you shouldn't have (been there). Start by simply drinking more water through out the day, or take out drinking soda. Then you can continue to add more to you're diet.

6. Have a Goal
Whether it's to lose 5 pounds or 50, you need to have a goal. Know what you want to do, and when you want it to be done by. Make a plan on how you will reach your goal. You can have goals all day long, but if you don't know how you are going to accomplish that goal, then you never will.

I hope these few tips are helpful in starting your journey to a fit life! I have more fitness posts coming your way once a month! Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated or reach goals? Let me know in the comments below, I'd love to read them!

Have a great day, and an even greater cup of coffee!  

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

German S'mores

One night in Germany, we learned how to make mouth bags (I don't know how to spell the German name, but phonetically it's something like mal-tosh-in), which are a type of ravioli soup. I ate a lot of it (whatever we ate in Germany, I ate a lot...), and was super full. After dinner was all cleaned up, Jurgen brought out these s'more type desserts. Chocolatey goodness that, although I was full to the brim from dinner, I was not going to deny.

I was challenged to put an entire s'more in my mouth...of course, how could you not accept that challenge? So I did, and it tasted so good.

I did it the first time, and no one got a I did it again (obviously, if the camera doesn't catch it, did it even happen?).

It was delicious yet again. I forgot that you could eat them without shoving a whole s'more in your mouth, so the next few I ate just the same.

Why am I sharing this? Because for some reason, it's a really good memory. It makes me smile to look back on it and think, "Wow, you can fit a whole s'more in your mouth. You have accomplished so much in such a short life."

That's the story of the time I ate 4 German S'mores.

One day, I'm gonna go back and recreate this picture. Until then, I'll just take bites out of American S'mores.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Yesterday evening, I sat on my couch, my laptop in my lap, ready to write. I wrote a few sentences, then shut my laptop in frustration and slid onto the floor. (Dramatic much?) I let out a huge "UGGGGHHH", and my Dad asked what was wrong.

"I can't write!"
"You can't write?"
"I've been trying to write a blog post for a month, and I can't!"

Literal tears came to my eyes. Frustration with vehicles and school bundled with an inability to put forth my best writing just got overwhelming and I was done. So I went upstairs and went to sleep.  Writing is my thing, and something I love, and for some reason I can't do it.

I journal every day with ease, because it's simply my thoughts, but they are nothing I can put out here for everyone to read. I don't know why, but writer's block has hit me hard. I'm trying to get out of it.

With that being said, I have so many ideas for posts, and as soon as my creativity is flowing again, they will be up.

I know my reader base is not that big, but to those of you who read, thank you for your patience. I'll be back as soon as possible.