Prayer in the Christian life is a vital action and attitude. I cannot emphasize enough how incredibly important it is. But, you see, important things are often difficult. Every thing in life is distracting us from having a much needed heart-to-heart with Christ. Constant prayer is a difficult but needful thing. It isn't so much an actual constant action of praying as an attitude and state of mind. Always directing your thoughts toward and about Christ.
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
And, my few and dear readers, I struggle with this. My mind is in such a flurry daily that I spend 5-10 minutes thinking about Christ, the one who let's me do all the things that I do, that gives me the ability to write this. It should not be as hard to talk to Someone we love so much, but it is. Every person we talk to, every Facebook post and tweet we read, every Instagram picture we like, every blog post we write and photograph for, every time we promote our blogs/pages/profiles, is distracting us from God, the One and Only person who absolutely loves and respects us. Yet we continue to write and post and photograph.
Don't misunderstand, these things are in no way wrong....not until it consumes our attention and sucks the searching heart out of us. When things take our attention away from Him, we are in the wrong.
Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith (?) 1 Thessalonians 3:10
This is why I have started a prayer journal. I began writing my one-sided (His side is already written) conversations with God in a book in February. Only, only for the reason that I am better at writing than speaking. Only for the purpose to watch myself grow, to see how God answers these prayers I pray. God gave me this love and passion for writing, I am obligated to (and should desire to) use it for His glory. Do I always? No, of course not.
I never want to give you the idea that I am perfect. If I was strong enough to open my heart to you and tell you all the millions of times I fall, all the wrong I do, you would see that Kaydee Elizabeth is in no way perfect. I am a bad prayer, a bad Bible reader, a struggling Christian. I desire to be a faithful prayer and a diligent seeker of Him, but I am only able to grow so quickly. My growth entails many scrapes and bruises from the many falls and failures. I get back up again, but not on my own. Jesus picks me up and dusts me off. I am weak without Him.
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41
My lovely readers, I encourage you to give yourself to the Almighty, the One who can use you and strengthen you. The one who saved you from the awful debt of sin on the old rugged cross. If you have already done this, I encourage you to seek Him always in prayer and in His Word. The Word that is more eloquently and expertly written than any book published. The Word that has power to heal and guide, teach and encourage. I love you all and so thankful God gave me a way to share His love through words. Have a blessed Sunday.