Saturday, July 26, 2014

Project Work-Out

 After taking about 3 months off of working out (which unfortunately set me back), I am finally getting back to it! I have a lot of work and I so wish I didn't take 3 months off because I would have been at my goal, but life just got too busy and I was in Germany for a month! Now that the school year is approaching, it will be easier to get into a routine. Most people don't really strive to get a 'winter' body, but it's never too late to get in shape. 

My plan is going to be to focus on cardio to burn that Wiener schnitzel fat off. Starting for the end of July-August I'll be running 15 minutes, doing elliptical 15 minutes, and doing the bike 15 minutes. For those days that I'm not able to go to the gym I will do a 45 minute run. I will have one rest day a week. From September-October I will be switching to a 30 minute run, 15 minutes on the bike/elliptical, and then 15 minutes of toning all around (legs, arms, abs). On those days without gym access I will do an hour run. November-December I will be doing a 30 minute run and 30 minutes of toning. Lack-of-Gym days will be a 30 minute run (probably in the snow...oh well) and 15-30 minutes of sit-ups/push-ups at home. My diet won't be super planned out, but I will be cutting out soda, desserts (with a few exceptions occasionally), and as much greasy/fatty food as possible.  

Working out every day can be a little hard and monotonous, and dieting is sure as heck hard too, so here are some tips on how to be motivated and how to make your work out fun. 

1) set goals. It's super hard to succeed in things when you don't have goals. Set a goal weight of how much you want to lose or how many miles you run or how much you deadlift. Goals are important. Set a date and say that by that day, you will have lost 10 pounds or deadlifted 500 pounds or run 5 miles in 30 minutes.  

2) find a friend willing to do it with you. Someone to keep you accountable for what you ate/if you worked out is super helpful. It also makes it more fun when you have someone to talk to, and it's good to talk about your goals and success with someone who supports and encourages you. 

3) have good music. I don't know about everyone else, but I can't run without music. I have to have really good, upbeat music to focus on or I get bored. Find good music that makes you excited. 

4) don't get discouraged. If you don't meet your goals on time, it's not the end of the world. You can still meet them, and you can succeed. 

5) don't forget why you're getting in shape. Whether its to feel better about yourself, to be healthy, to look good, don't lose sight of that. Remember when you're tired and busy that you work out because it is for you. Not for anyone else. This is your choice, and it is important to feel good about yourself. Remember that one big goal and how good you will feel physically and emotionally when you reach it. 

6) be determined. You can't go at it half-hearted, you won't make progress. You have to decide you want to meet those goals you set, make the choice. You can't sit on the fence and lose those pounds or beat those PR's, you have to be running through the fields and leaping over the fences you come to. 

7) make a plan. Know when you walk into the gym what you are going to do and for how long. Plan your rest days, plan which weights you'll lift, what trail you'll run. I know from personal experience, walking into the gym without a plan of what to do makes your work out 50% less effective. 

I hope this encouraged you some...I will be keeping you updated on my goals and when I reach them probably bi-weekly. May your work-outs be hard and sweaty, and may your goals be met! Happy shaping! 

New Chapters

As I put the finishing touches on my newly painted room and carried my unpacked suitcase to the garage, it hit me:

I'm staying here. 

My Germany adventure ended July 18, and now it is time to begin a new adventure here, in my little home town of St. Michaels. I have no idea what that adventure holds for me in the next few months, but no doubt it will be crazy. 

In August I start my last year of high school. Next week my mom is taking me to register for college classes, and they will be counted as dual credits. In May of 2015, I will graduate high school. I'm going to get my driver's license in a few weeks, I'm going to start working again at my old job. A lot of new and "grown-up" changes are coming my way. 

After such an exciting and unreal experience in Germany, I could be totally disappointed in this new chapter of life. But I'm not, because who knows if this new chapter of life will last months and months? I don't know what tomorrow holds, or next week, or next year, but I do know that God gave me a life to live and a reason to be joyful. He gave me a purpose: to honor and glorify Him and to bring others into His light. I don't have to live a boring life to do that, I can have an adventure everyday while shining His light. 

I am completely excited for the next few months; for the changes they will bring, for the new people to meet and places to go. For growing in Jesus and becoming more like Him. 

Enjoy your adventures while they last, and embrace the new ones that come. 

If you would like to follow my life more, the icons to the right will lead you to my Instagram/twitter profiles, and to my Facebook page. Just click on them, then click follow! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

a hard verse to swallow

I was about to read a little devotion for today, I opened my Bible app, and the verse of the day appears:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalms 139:23-24

Wow, that's a hard one. I don't know about you, but when I read that, this feeling of unworthiness came into my heart. David is asking God to search him, to look into his heart and read all of the pages of that book. Pages that are filled with good, sweet stories, and pages that are filled with bitterness and sin. Then David asks God to know his thoughts. To look into his brain and see all the thoughts, pure and impure, loving and hateful, angry and peaceful. On top of all that (as if that wasn't hard enough to do), David asks God to see if there is any wickedness in him. 

Why did the feeling of unworthiness come into my heart? 

Because I know my thoughts and my heart are not as pleasing to God as they could be. There is wickedness in me. It is so shameful to ask such a perfect, sinless God to look into my filthy, cluttered heart, filled with so much sin and bitterness. I am not worthy of all He gives me, and to invite Him to see why I am not, hurts. 

That's a hard prayer to pray. It calls us to be completely open and uncovered before God, to let Him see all of our flaws, sins, passions, desires, to see our bitterness, hurt, shame

That sure ain't easy. 

(What we so easily forget is that God already knows our hearts and our thoughts, but inviting Him to know them tells Him that we are humbled enough to let Him grow us and change us to be more like Him.)

But that last phrase of the verse is my favorite:

"...lead me in the way everlasting."

All of that shame, and sin we carry around in us, when we reveal it to God, He is gracious and merciful to us. He doesn't look down on us in anger and disappointment because we didn't meet up to His expectations. Instead, He takes our shame and sin, and throws it into the deepest of oceans so that He never sees it or thinks about it again, He forgives us once and for all, and leads us in the Way that will never fail us. 

It's so relieving to know that He forgets our sins, to know that when He searches us, He cleans us out, and keeps on loving. 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

I have missed you!

My dear, sweet blog readers.
Oh how I have missed you this past month! I have so many stories to tell and pictures to share with you of my wonderful journey in Germany. It was truly an adventure, and truly a blessing to me. I am actually in a dream-like state because it feels like it didn't really happen..but it did! I have 988 pictures to prove it. 

I don't have a lot of time this morning to tell you any stories, I just wanted to stop bye and let you know I am home, and I am ready to blog again. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some time to share some of my adventure with you. I am going to redo my room this week so that will take up some of my time, but I will make time! I will probably do before and after pictures as well.

I can't wait to show all of you pictures and tell you stories! Have a wonderful Sunday and I will be back soon! 

Much love. 

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