Friday, December 20, 2013

Open Your Eyes

Normally, on this blog, I don't wanna talk about anything too serious, I have to right now, though.

Tonight was my birthday party, and after we went to my friend's house and watched Netflix. We started American Horror Story (then we started watching something funny, because honestly, scary movies are awful) because we were all curious, we didn't get to the climax of the episode, and it hadn't reached the scary part. Something really bugged me about this show.

The Dad was a psychiatrist, and he was working with this really depressed kid. The psychiatrist's daughter was also depressed, and she cut herself. The thing  that got to me was they showed some of it, the blades, blood. Then they showed the two kids talking about it. 

No warning. No warning at the beginning of the episode saying that this contains graphic material, caution to viewers, contains triggers. Nothing. 

Now, for me, it wasn't a trigger. But to thousands of kids out there watching this crap, it was. How many kids saw this first episode and cut themselves? Not because something bad happened to them, but because cutting is their go-to release and they saw it. They were doing okay, until they saw it. They didn't think about it, until they saw it.

Thousands of kids watch this show that are 10, 11, 12. Way too young. The moment their eyes see this young girl slit her skin because she is in emotional pain, it's in their impressionable minds forever. The first time they experience a legitimate hard time, their brain is going to bring them back to that. Then, because of a TV show, one, two, three more kids start putting scars into their bodies. 

What makes me angry, is that they (the producers of this TV show, American Horror Story) made it look like a joke, like its nothing serious, like it is okay

It's not. 

This subject of "self-harm" is a very unpleasant and gruesome topic. Too many people make it out to be no big deal. It is. It's huge. The term "self-harm" even softens it up because America doesn't want to deal with something like that, it's too hard and bad. It's cutting. It's burning. It's even pulling arm hair or pinching your skin. It's anorexia, bulimia. Self hatred. 

Don't sit there, knowing what's going on and close your eyes because it's too ugly. I can almost guarantee that you know someone who is cutting themselves, thinking about it, hating themselves. 

It's not an easy subject. It's a hard, scary, and ugly subject. But don't close your eyes. Kids, young adults, they, we, need your help. Not fluffy stuff like "You're beautiful, don't hate yourself", that does not work. We need to you pull up our sleeves and check our skin. We need you to come to us when we seem down. We need you to, if it's not getting better, take us to a counselor. We need you to pray for us. We need you to not be afraid and/or ashamed of us. We need you to not get angry when we mess up and cut again. We need you, unaware teens, to not look at our scars like we're freaks. We need you to be bold and ask us what makes us do it, what make us feel this way, then when you find out, do something. 

We need help, and we want help. But we won't tell you. We aren't strong enough, we can't hold ourselves together, we can't come to you. We need you to come to us. Please. 

Don't shut your eyes to it because it darkens your life, bring the brightness of your life into our darkens. Show us what love is, love us, like Jesus does. Even though He should be enough, He's isn't always to us. We need you to show us how to make Him enough. How can you show us, when you can't see us?  

America, don't close your eyes. We act invisible, but all we want is to be seen, loved, helped. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Happy birthday!

I remember when I was younger, like 7 or 8, and I thought 16 year olds were thee coolest people ever. That they knew everything, had the best clothes, could drive, and were basically adults. Man, I could not wait to turn sixteen. 

Now I am sixteen. 

Well, to be utterly honest, I do not know everything, not even everything about vampires. I don't have all the best clothes, but I do have a lot ;) I can drive (with a liscenced driver 21 or older until February). I don't think I'm "basically an adult" because...well, I can't drive alone, my brother has to pay for my dinner, I live with my parents, my job is only one day a week, I'm still in high school, you get my point. But in my unbiased (haaaa) opinion, I am thee coolest ever. ;) 

To be frank (idk why people always want to be him. Who is he, anyway?) I am a little scared for what the next year of life holds, seeing that 15 was pretty Cray. I know that it will (Lord Willing) hold me getting my braces off (hallelujer!), getting a liscence (Lord be with all of us), and a trip to a beautiful country--Germany! It will also hold me taking college classes, and being even more awesome. And I don't even know how that is possible! 

Here's to all those cool 16 year olds out there *holds up juice box*, may the odds be ever in your favor. 

Here's a 6 year old me, 10 years ago!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time With Christ

Good morning! 
It's hardly morning, but it stills feels like it to me since I just finished breakfast! 

I felt that I needed to spend part of my day and week to share a little of Jesus with you. It may look like I don't care about Him at times, that I shouldn't be called a Christian because of my conduct, but I assure you that I love The Lord. Sometimes not as much as I should, but definitely all the time. You may not see it, though. That being said, I want to share some thing with you. These days everyone and anyone can have a voice on the Internet, and since I am one of the everyones, I feel that my voice is useless if it doesn't speak Jesus.

The Lord thy God is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. - Zephaniah 3:17

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. - Psalm 139:14

God, the Creater, the mighty God, rejoices over you. When He sees you, He loves you, and is amazed at your beauty. You are His art piece, His world renowned composition, His child. To your Heavenly Father, and to me as well, you are marvelous. You are wonderful. Please don't ever forget that or deny it. When you do deny it, it's like telling God that His masterpiece is a failure, pointless, ugly, fat, stupid. You are the opposite of pointless, sweet one, your are purposed to praise God, your Heavenly Father. No matter what you do or say, God loves you. No matter your weight, your hair type, your height. No matter if you wear glasses and have acne or if you're drop dead 'gorgeous'. No matter if you play sports, sing, write. No matter if you like rock music, no matter if you like science or social studies. No matter if you have tons of friends or if you're lonely. No matter if you're failing classes or making A's. No matter if you're young or old, black, white, Asian, Native American. God loves you. Forever. 

Remember, owl be hawkward, so should you, because God loves it. ❤

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Friday, December 6, 2013


That moment when you're in love with Santa and if you don't marry him Christmas stops.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

What am I?

What am I? 
Only the mug that holds your coffee
You want what's inside
 Not me alone 

What am I? 
Only the shelf which holds all your favorite books 
You never try to read me
Only what's inside 

What am I? 
Only the stand on which your Christmas tree sits 
You never desire to decorate me
Only what I hold 

What am I? 
Only the paper which hides your present 
You rip me up 
Only to get what you want 

What am I? 
Only the white spaces between lines and notes 
Never have you tried to play me 
I am only blank to you 

What am I? 
Only the spaces in between heart beats 
The spaces in which I am dead 
You only hear my life 

What am I? 
I am unappreciated 
I am unread 
I am unnoticed 
I am ripped apart 
I am unplayed 
I am dead 


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Good morning, loves! 
Today is a good day! My room is all decorated for the Christmas season, and to top it off it's snowing! 

This month is my birthday month, and it's the big sweet sixteen. I was confused about how I should celebrate. I thought ice-skating, but last time I did that my brother suffered a major & hilarious concussion (long story...but a funny one). I also thought about going to this trampoline place, but both were pretty far away. Of course, my dad was right once again. I am just going to have a few friends over to eat and play video games. I'm actually really excited. 

Merry Christmas from me and my mug of CafĂ© Mocha! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Stereotypical Mondays

     I seriously feel so annoyed today. If you touched me, I might have yelled at you. I didn't answer questions I didn't feel like answering. After I finished school, it was nearly dark which agitated me more. I had a raging headache, so I went to my room and just laid in bed. I went to check out one of the blogs I read to see what was on there, Sweetness Itself. The way Erin James writes is so lovely. It was an immediate lifter-upper. Her blog made my stereotypical Monday so much better and I encourage all my female readers to go read it. 

Here is the link, go read! 

     The past few weeks my mind has been repeatedly turning over, the same question was coming to my mind. 

What am I going to do with my life? Doctor, or writer?

My heart is torn between two things I feel like God is calling me to do. The even scarier part: if He wants me to do both, which is first? It's unbelievably overwhelming to not know His plan. I'm only a junior in high school, but I know that I need to start preparing for college and how can I do that if I don't know why I'm going to college? 

God has very clearly laid it on my heart to write my story so that I can help other girls and boys who have been through what I have. He's given me a passion for writing, especially writing about real-life events, situations, and problems. On the other hand, God has very clearly laid on my heart a passion for medicine. At first I wanted to be a nurse, then a pediatric doctor, and now I've very seriously considered being a pediatric surgeon. 

I almost decided to lay aside my writing, take a break from my blog and journal so that I could decide what to do. Until today, when I read Erin's blog. 

Erin continually inspires me in my blogging. I get weird glances when people find out I have a blog--I guess it's not cool enough for them? She has inspired me to keep blogging, even when I feel like it's in my way, to not give up on the idea of being an author of a book that helps people. She has inspired me to pursue my passion to help people. Why not do both? Write a book(s) to help people, and help precious little souls who are sick?

She not only inspires me to pursue my passions, but she also inspires me to pursue my Jesus. Erin loves the Lord so deeply and purely that it almost makes you feel guilty. Her beautiful passion for her Savior and serving Him should be an inspiration to all. She brings a little bit more oxygen into your fire for Christ, she reminds you what life is about--loving Jesus and following His will. 

Thank you, Erin James, for be an inspiration to me. 

-Your fellow blogger


Stress for Dayz


I know I should be getting ready & starting school but seriously, I can't not post. Sooooo many things running through my mind at once I feel like I shall implode if I do not get them out.

     For starters, I can't keep up the whole post every Sunday thing. My life is really crazy. I just don't have time or stamina to do that. I can post regular simple posts like this one, but I just can't do the other one. Between trying to get a butt-load of school done these next few weeks, filling orders, and sleeping, I don't have a lot of time. I took so much time off last week for thanksgiving and I'm seriously legit stressing right now. 

So I'm on the Internet instead of getting things done. 

    I'd like to say sorry for not doing what I said I was. I suck. 

     On the other hand, I woke up sometime this morning from dreaming about meeting John Cooper. The weird thing is, I was singing the lyrics perfectly to his songs, when I woke up somehow my music was playing. But I'm not sure it was, because I double clicked the home-button and it had the triangle for "paused" and when I tapped it, Christmas music started playing. 

I was in the twilight zone. 

So basically that's what's up. Now I need to go because I'm started to mentally freak out because I have a lot to do.

Here's a picture from thanksgiving week. 

And another one 

And one more selfie collage with my friend Marcy