Saturday, May 31, 2014


As a girl with a God-given writer's heart, my thoughts are so much more easily portrayed through written words. I think more clearly, I focus. When I write the words down, they come out more eloquent than when I speak. I stutter and struggle to find the right words to use. I say weird and sometimes idiotic things. I sound like a true blonde when I speak. 

Prayer in the Christian life is a vital action and attitude. I cannot emphasize enough how incredibly important it is. But, you see, important things are often difficult. Every thing in life is distracting us from having a much needed heart-to-heart with Christ. Constant prayer is a difficult but needful thing. It isn't so much an actual constant action of praying as an attitude and state of mind. Always directing your thoughts toward and about Christ. 

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 

And, my few and dear readers, I struggle with this. My mind is in such a flurry daily that I spend 5-10 minutes thinking about Christ, the one who let's me do all the things that I do, that gives me the ability to write this. It should not be as hard to talk to Someone we love so much, but it is. Every person we talk to, every Facebook post and tweet we read, every Instagram picture we like, every blog post we write and photograph for, every time we promote our blogs/pages/profiles, is distracting us from God, the One and Only person who absolutely loves and respects us. Yet we continue to write and post and photograph. 

Don't misunderstand, these things are in no way wrong....not until it consumes our attention and sucks the searching heart out of us. When things take our attention away from Him, we are in the wrong. 

Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith (?) 1 Thessalonians 3:10

This is why I have started a prayer journal. I began writing my one-sided (His side is already written) conversations with God in a book in February. Only, only for the reason that I am better at writing than speaking. Only for the purpose to watch myself grow, to see how God answers these prayers I pray. God gave me this love and passion for writing, I am obligated to (and should desire to) use it for His glory. Do I always? No, of course not. 

I never want to give you the idea that I am perfect. If I was strong enough to open my heart to you and tell you all the millions of times I fall, all the wrong I do, you would see that Kaydee Elizabeth is in  no way perfect. I am a bad prayer, a bad Bible reader, a struggling Christian. I desire to be a faithful prayer and a diligent seeker of Him, but I am only able to grow so quickly. My growth entails many scrapes and bruises from the many falls and failures. I get back up again, but not on my own. Jesus picks me up and dusts me off. I am weak without Him.

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 

My lovely readers, I encourage you to give yourself to the Almighty, the One who can use you and strengthen you. The one who saved you from the awful debt of sin on the old rugged cross. If you have already done this, I encourage you to seek Him always in prayer and in His Word. The Word that is more eloquently and expertly written than any book published. The Word that has power to heal and guide, teach and encourage. I love you all and so thankful God gave me a way to share His love through words. Have a blessed Sunday. 

I love getting to know people! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page so I can get to know you and vice versa! The icons to the right will lead you to these places. 


Hi there! If you didn't know, my oldest bother graduated from University of North Dakota 2 weeks ago with a degree in aviation science and is a pilot. He took my family flying when we went up for his graduation. Here are a few pictures!

The UND Aerospace Airport
 My Pilot brother filling out paper work
 My Feet in the Airport
 My Dad in the little Cesna
 Our Plane
 Plane 608
 Brother Selfie
 Plane Selfie
 Taking Off
 Beautiful View!

Thanks for reading! I hope you have an absolutely fabulous day! Owl be hawkward, so should you!

I love getting to know people! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page and you can get to know me and vice versa! The icons to the right will lead you to these places. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

I Like Roller Coasters

Hey guys! All my posts lately have been pretty deep, so I decided to do a fun post. I looked up questions on the interwebs and I'm going to answer them here. If I had like a ton of followers it would be easier but since I don't...I have to use google. They are just some random questions to help you get to know me better. Here it goes!!

1) where would your dream vacation be?  
-this one is hard because I love traveling and I want to go everywhere. I don't think my dream vacation in any one place, my dream vacation would probably be a world tour where I spend 3-4 days in a few different countries in every continent with my 4 bestfriends.

2) what sound do you love? 
-this probably sounds super cliché, but I love the sound and smell of rain and thunder. It's my favorite thing ever, and it makes me so happy. 

3) if you were a dinosaur, what kind would you be? 
-I am seriously lacking in my knowledge of dinosaurs, are there any 4 year old little boys around to inform me? (I'd be the one with a really long neck)

4) if you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? 
- I would probably choose....Bella Swan because I'm a twihard. She gets to be married to a hot vampire who is madly in love with her and super romantic. Duh. 

5) if you were a super hero or super villain what power would you have?
-this is kind of hard...I think I would have to be a super hero and my power would be to make people who are super sad super happy because I'm nice like that. 

6) if you could breed two completely different animals together, what animal would you create? 
-I love cats and hedgehogs are ridiculously cute... So obviously I would make a hedgecat. 

7) what languages can you speak? 
-English (obviously) a tiny bit of Navajo (a Native American language) and a tinsie bit of German. 

8) do you love or hate roller coasters? 
-I had never been on a legit roller coaster in my life until 3 weeks ago. I was terrified  at first but to say the least I got over it and now...well I love them. 

9) what's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? 
-I'm pretty picky when it comes to food, so I have never tried anything super weird. But once I was talked into eating calamari (aka fried squid) and it was weird and rather disgusting. 

10) what would be in your dream sandwich? 
-pepperoni, salami, ham, bacon, swiss cheese, mayonnaise, pasta, roast beef, and grapes. (This just made me hungry) 

Well that's all the questions for today! I hope you guys learned something about me. If you liked this, leave a comment saying so! It will let me know if I should keep doing things like this :) 

Owl be hawkward, so should you!

I love getting to know people! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram and like my Facebook page so I can get to know you and vice versa! The icons to the right will direct you to these places. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summa Time

I feel bad for my unexplained absence this week. I'm posting twice today just to make up for it. ;) 

I just realized I need a signature greeting because I have a signature Farewell...I am going to think of one by the end of this week. 

Now! To the main point of this post: Summer Time. As a little kid, I looked forward to summer with overflowing anticipation. The end of the last day of school was like the gateway to heaven. The long days of sunlight in which I was able to play outside until 10 o'clock because it never seemed to get dark, and when it did, I didn't notice. Sitting in the hot dirt under a blistering sun with my older bothers digging holes (What else does a desert kid do?). Swinging on swings and seeing how far we could jump off. Going to my best friend's house and trying to jump on the trampoline while our feet burned, getting the water hose out and sliding across it. Playing in ditches full of water after heavy rains, catching tadpoles. Having mud fights and getting so dirty we couldn't even go inside.

The anticipation is still there, but now it is a little different. A little less responsibility and a lot more sunshine greets me on that last day of school. Endless hiking trips in the hot sun, never getting tired. Late night games of knock out in my drive way, laying on the trampoline at my best friend's house watching the stars. Going to Denny's at 1 a.m. for snack. Trips to see the new movies and messing around at wal-mart. All-nighters watching movies and playing board games. An extremely busy and fun week at youth camp, and now adding a 4-week trip to a beautiful European country. 

I think that as we see summer coming at us, we all reminisce to our past summers. We see what has changed, who isn't there any more and who is that wasn't before. How you have grown and your fun has grown and changed with you. You remember all the good times and jokes that still come around, and a twinge of sadness pricks your heart. Then a smile stretches across your face as you think of all the possible memories to be made this summer. All the exciting things that will happen and friends that will be made, moments of laughter that split your sides open and memories that will last forever. 

Summer time is amazing, beautiful, and chalked full of memories to be made. Happy Summer! 

Owl be hawkward, so should you;) 

I love making new friends! If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and like my Facebook page that is exactly what will happen! The icons to the right will direct you to these places :) 

Wifi-Less Kaydee

Hey guys! 
I've been without wifi since Monday, and I have also been extremely busy! You might be thinking, 'Holy cow, it seems like Kaydee is always without wifi.' Or you may not care at all. I will be gone Monday through Friday next week at youth camp, so I will be wifi-less as well. 

But I am here now! 

The fitness challenge is going well. I've only had a few donut holes and a piece of sweet bread on one day (Tuesday). I haven't worked out since Sunday but I have worked hard and sweat a lot. Hopefully that counts some. If I am home by tomorrow I will probably go to the gym. Today I had a banana for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and two pieces of watermelon. 

Back to wifi. Why don't I have any? 
My parents have run and owned a Christian Youth Camp for the past 20 years. It is always held the first Monday of June to Friday. Every year we come up to the camp grounds a week before camp and clean/shop/fix things. The camp is 50 some years old, and it is in the middle of the desert. It's hot, and VERY dusty. Anyway, we don't have wifi here. Which I'm not even annoyed about because it is a pleasant break from the world. We work hard, get dirty and sweaty, and although we get dust in our eyes, noses, and places you didn't know you could get dust, it is always a good time. 

I like hard work. I was taught to work hard even if I don't like what I'm doing. I was taught to not be afraid to get dirty. Dead mice, lizards (as long as they aren't on me), bugs, don't scare me. Hard work is good for the soul. 

I'm excited for camp next week. It's always good fellowship and encouragement. It is gonna be goooood. 

I hope you all have had a fabulous week! Talk to you later, owl be hawkward! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Moving to Seattle (?)

Hi. I never know how to start a post....I mean, what do you say to a person you can't see, and don't know? Hi. 

How has your Saturday been? Mine has been good! I have been completely unproductive. I didn't run, didn't clean...all I've done is promote on Instagram and watch Royal Pains. In my opinion, that's what Saturdays are about. Now I'm at "work", a job I get paid 20 bucks a week to do. I am really grateful, but I'm not sure it's a job, and I'm not sure I can call it work…I'm not even being that productive here. 

It rained and thundered today which was awesome! But it really made me play into my 'it's cold and gloomy, I can't do anything'. 

In other news: I have decided to move to Seattle, or somewhere in that area after college. I love rain and gloom and Seattle is the perfect place for that. And I feel that in an environment like that I can really focus on my writing. I can just dig into writing books and blogging. It will be great. But, of course, I will need to live close to a gym or learn to run in the rain. I want to get my English degree at either Southern Baptist University or Liberty University, after I get my general education at Baptist Bible College. See, I have it all planned out. But is that what God wants? I'm still figuring that one out.

Last thing that I want to say: I am starting a 30 day fitness challenge with 3 of my friends. I will keep you updated on it. It's (hopefully) going to whip me into shape so I can look decent in German. Not that I care what they think, but I care what I think. I just want to feel good and look good, and with perseverance and hard work with support of close friends I can do this! 

I just have to learn to wake up early. much learning to do! 

That's it for today, I love you guys. Remember owl be hawkward and fit, don't be afraid to try it too! 

I love to get to know people! We can do that better via social networks! The links to my profiles/pages are up to the right, check 'em out!  

Thursday, May 22, 2014


My Current Emotion: So much to do so little time.

This morning I woke up to 6 text messages from my best friend informing me she arrived home. At 8:30. For me, a 16 year old who needs 9-12 hours of sleep or else I can't function, that was way too freaking early. Normally I wouldn't mind be awakened at that time because normally I can fall back asleep. Of course though, on a day when I had a TON to do, I don't fall back to sleep. Now I am struggling to stay awake and complete multiple tasks.

But of course, I am sitting here blogging.

In my own defense I'm also covering my Bible reading for today, searching for sheet music for the graduation tomorrow, and Facebooking. Hashtag: Multitasking.

This morning when I couldn't return to my blissful state, I started watching YouTube videos. Not even soothing ones to help me sleep either, I watched funny ones that made me laugh. After watching many pointless videos I got an idea for a blog post and started writing it. Amidst my brilliant idea and hard work, I received multiple text messages from my two best friends asking if I was available to help them decorate for a graduation. I was glad to because I haven't seen them in a month and I like helping people. This took us the entire day, and we didn't even get it completely done.

And as I search for sheet music I am not finding it and it s ireally stressing me out. I am taking deep breaths because it's all going to work out, and it's not a big deal. Breathe Kaydee, breathe.

I had a lot I needed to do today too, like clean my bathroom and my bedroom and put laundry away. Did that stuff get done? No. 

I'm just really tired and I need sleep.


P.S. I will post my brilliant idea post when I have time, probably tomorrow night, or the next, or the next.

Owl be hawkward, even when I'm tired, peace out. (Don't forget to like my Facebook page, and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. The little doodads up there to the right should help you with that.)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Forest Fire

     When I was 13 years old, in 2011, I rededicated my life to the Lord at youth camp. I had, when I was five, believed in Jesus and asked Him to save me from my sin. At thirteen I struggled with sin and I knew a Christian shouldn't feel this way if they were truly saved so I went forward and poured my heart to Jesus. After that, my heart was on fire, a forest fire burned inside me. I wanted to serve Him, change the world, be a light shining in this dark world. And then the world hit me, and I found out that sometimes the world, rather Satan, tries to change us. 
     From the year 2012 until last fall, I suffered like I never knew a person my age could. While I struggled, my forest fire turned into an almost burned out candle. My heart hurt, and I was focused on changing myself, and not the world. I didn't care one bit what happened to other people because I was so wrapped up in my mistakes and depression. Satan was bringing me further from my Savior, while my Savior whispered in my ear to return to Him. Return to Him and be changed and healed. He continually whispered to me through all my selfishness and sorrow. He told me, using other people, that He loved me and that my existence on this earth was in no way a mistake. Although it took a while for the voice of Satan to be a distant whisper and the voice of Jesus to become steady and clear, He grabbed my heart and brought it to Him, and He still continually tells me to hold on through His word. I can't say that I am mature in my spiritual life, but I am trying to love Christ like He loved me. 
       The past year and a half, I have been empty. I've tried to be full and faithful, but I am drained. This past week, though, I have been slowly filling up again. My passion for people and serving my Savior is coming again, and my flame is getting bigger. The blessings I have received from Fellowship Week at Baptist Bible College feel so good. The burdens that have been laid on my heart are changed from what they used to be. They are no longer burdens of insufficiency and failure, but they are burdens of love for others, burdens to pray, burdens to learn, burdens to serve. 


     Please, my dear readers. I know not what you believe, or if your fire is burned out. I pray that if you do not know my Savior, you would get to know Him and let Him become your savior too. I pray that if your fire is burned out, that God would rekindle it through me or someone else. I pray that this blog blesses you, that you are encouraged. Your fire does not stay dim, it will burn bright. You will not always be discouraged. God does not let His children live in sadness forever. If we know not true sadness, how will we know true joy?

     If you have any questions about Jesus Christ and how to make Him your savior, please contact me. I would be more than glad to share His goodness with you. 

Owl be hawkward, always and forever! ;)

I love to be in contact with people! The icons to the right will direct you to all my social media so that I can get to know you all. Please visit them!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dear Mom,

     First of all I want you to know I love you, more than you realize. I look to you for every little thing, and I am sure that for almost every thing in my life, I will say 'This is how mom always did it'. I cannot correctly put into words everything you mean to me. The past 16 years, 5 months, and 11 days you have raised me to love God and honor, trust, and obey Him. I have fallen, fall, and will continue to fall many times. But you have always been by my side dusting me off and helping me stand back up. I will always want you by my side to dry my tears and clean out my scrapes and ice my bruises. I disappoint you, I break your heart, but I will never want anyone else helping me get back on my feet. 
      We've had our disagreements, you've given advice I didn't take because I thought I could be the one person that beat the odds. I've tried to leave you because I was too selfish to stay, I tried to ignore your help, but nothing ever worked because you are always here, making sure I know you love me with all of your heart and then some. And I do know, and will never, ever forget it.
      You've had struggles and burdens, you've cleaned up my puke and washed all of my dirty clothes and have never expected anything in return. I have woken you up at 2 a.m. in tears and you never told me to get over it. Instead you prayed with my and held my hand. You helped me heal my scarred heart. 
        You've taught me and your 3 other children our entire (almost, Veronica is still working on it) education. You've dealt with our laziness and complaining. You've adopted, loved and adventured with a child, you've gone through heck and back with and put through college a child, you've cheered at football games in freezing temperatures and helped sign a life over to the Unites States Marine Corps with a child, you've nurtured and buried a child, and you've protected and filled with joy a child. You've done all these things and so much more that it would take a lifetime to write on paper.
     You have hurt, and struggled, and been discouraged, but nothing, has ever made you a better mother than those exact things. Your example of strength and courage and trust in your Heavenly Father is what me, all your children, your husband, and the world needs. You are a wonderful example, a fantastic servant of Christ, and most of all, my mom. And a darn good one at that. 
     I can't say how thankful I am to have a mother like you, I can't say how much I need a mother like you. Thank you, for all the things you do for your children. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and providing a place of comfort for my heart to be poured out. I love you mom, Happy Mother's Day. 

Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: -Proverbs 31:25-28 

Green Photographs

Me in the Forest
The Branson Landing
Table Rock Lake
Board Walk
Me and the Lake

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Let Us Live

    Let's take a few minutes and talk about Jesus. He is....indescribable. And neglected. I, you, the world, spends so much time focused on the world, all the attractions and distractions it has for us, instead of on the Savior. The one who pardoned our sin, we continuously forget to praise. Myself included. We get caught up in feelings and tv shows and hair styles and dresses, we forget the only Person who makes life worth living, the only Person who made life. Life isn't existent without Christ, yet do we rarely take time to thank him for the breaths we take in. 
     His Word, the Bible, is so readily available to everyone in the U.S., but do we stop in the middle of our lives to open it and discover the secrets of Jesus? We spend so much time as teens thinking about our boyfriends and girlfriends, or in my case, lack thereof, that we don't think about the one Relationship that will last for an eternity. 
     We tell ourselves, 'I don't have time this morning, I'll do devotions tonight.' Then tonight comes and conviently you are 'too tired'. It isn't a difficult task, it's like texting your bestfriend or calling your dad. 
      Why do we keep leaving God out unintentionally? Why do we forget the supposed most important priority in our life? Because, although we are saved from the death consequences of sin, we still struggle against their hold on our life. We also have Satan constantly on our backs trying to keep us from Christ. 

Let us live for Christ, for His glory and honor, let us live to attain righteousness and souls for His Kingdom, let us look to Him for every need, for every want, and for complete satisfaction. Not only on Sunday, not only when we are with Christian friends, not only when it is convient. Let us live for Him every waking, sleeping, and dying moment, so that our souls are filled with goodness, and so that our Father can look at us with love and say, well done, My good and faithful servant. 

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Wherever you are today, whatever situation you are in, I pray that we all are ready and eager to glorify the Living God. Today, and tomorrow, and until Jesus comes to take us home. I pray that I, myself, am glorifying God and am an able encourager to my few readers, an inspiration, a laugh, and a friend, to all of you. 

Owl always be hawkward, for the glory of God, don't be afraid to be hawkward with me ;) enjoy this beautiful Sunday afternoon, I'll be bathing in the glorious sunshine and Missouri humidity! 

P.S. don't forget to like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram and twitter. I want to be friends and be in contact with you all! The icons up in the right will direct you to these places. :) 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Few Passing Thoughts

I was just thinking about how I'm leaving for Germany in the morning and arriving in the morning...I don't know, I thought at first that would mean major jet lag but now I'm thinking that if I sleep on the plane I won't have it too bad. And my adrenaline will be so crazy that it won't matter much. 
        Since I'm not home, nor my parents, my brother checked the mail...I haven't received my passport yet but I did receive a letter from the Department of state that they needed more information on me. Like, what do they think I am? I'm just going to Germany because I want to go, I'm not planning on bringing any Nazis home with me to take over the Government. I just would like to see some castles okay? Psh, the government. OBAMA. Anyway, it's just a little stressful. God will handle it all, He isn't gonna take away my least I don't think so. 

I miss my friends, but I'm having fun. Vacation is cool, next week I will (hopefully) get to meet up with a few people I haven't seen in a while. If I can get good Internet tomorrow and I'm not too tired I'll post some pictures from the trip. That's all for tonight... I'll try to post some  more intricate writings next week when I have lots of internet. Owl be hawkward, don't be scared to be too. Thanks for being awesome, olive you guys 

-train delaying our walk to The Landing for the fountain show
-nature walk (that ended up being super short because the road ended and my mom called me to come back [bummer]) 
-selfie by the lake 

P.S. don't forget to like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. The icons to the right will direct you to those magical places :)