Sunday, May 4, 2014

Let Us Live

    Let's take a few minutes and talk about Jesus. He is....indescribable. And neglected. I, you, the world, spends so much time focused on the world, all the attractions and distractions it has for us, instead of on the Savior. The one who pardoned our sin, we continuously forget to praise. Myself included. We get caught up in feelings and tv shows and hair styles and dresses, we forget the only Person who makes life worth living, the only Person who made life. Life isn't existent without Christ, yet do we rarely take time to thank him for the breaths we take in. 
     His Word, the Bible, is so readily available to everyone in the U.S., but do we stop in the middle of our lives to open it and discover the secrets of Jesus? We spend so much time as teens thinking about our boyfriends and girlfriends, or in my case, lack thereof, that we don't think about the one Relationship that will last for an eternity. 
     We tell ourselves, 'I don't have time this morning, I'll do devotions tonight.' Then tonight comes and conviently you are 'too tired'. It isn't a difficult task, it's like texting your bestfriend or calling your dad. 
      Why do we keep leaving God out unintentionally? Why do we forget the supposed most important priority in our life? Because, although we are saved from the death consequences of sin, we still struggle against their hold on our life. We also have Satan constantly on our backs trying to keep us from Christ. 

Let us live for Christ, for His glory and honor, let us live to attain righteousness and souls for His Kingdom, let us look to Him for every need, for every want, and for complete satisfaction. Not only on Sunday, not only when we are with Christian friends, not only when it is convient. Let us live for Him every waking, sleeping, and dying moment, so that our souls are filled with goodness, and so that our Father can look at us with love and say, well done, My good and faithful servant. 

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Wherever you are today, whatever situation you are in, I pray that we all are ready and eager to glorify the Living God. Today, and tomorrow, and until Jesus comes to take us home. I pray that I, myself, am glorifying God and am an able encourager to my few readers, an inspiration, a laugh, and a friend, to all of you. 

Owl always be hawkward, for the glory of God, don't be afraid to be hawkward with me ;) enjoy this beautiful Sunday afternoon, I'll be bathing in the glorious sunshine and Missouri humidity! 

P.S. don't forget to like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram and twitter. I want to be friends and be in contact with you all! The icons up in the right will direct you to these places. :) 

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