Monday, December 2, 2013

Stereotypical Mondays

     I seriously feel so annoyed today. If you touched me, I might have yelled at you. I didn't answer questions I didn't feel like answering. After I finished school, it was nearly dark which agitated me more. I had a raging headache, so I went to my room and just laid in bed. I went to check out one of the blogs I read to see what was on there, Sweetness Itself. The way Erin James writes is so lovely. It was an immediate lifter-upper. Her blog made my stereotypical Monday so much better and I encourage all my female readers to go read it. 

Here is the link, go read! 

     The past few weeks my mind has been repeatedly turning over, the same question was coming to my mind. 

What am I going to do with my life? Doctor, or writer?

My heart is torn between two things I feel like God is calling me to do. The even scarier part: if He wants me to do both, which is first? It's unbelievably overwhelming to not know His plan. I'm only a junior in high school, but I know that I need to start preparing for college and how can I do that if I don't know why I'm going to college? 

God has very clearly laid it on my heart to write my story so that I can help other girls and boys who have been through what I have. He's given me a passion for writing, especially writing about real-life events, situations, and problems. On the other hand, God has very clearly laid on my heart a passion for medicine. At first I wanted to be a nurse, then a pediatric doctor, and now I've very seriously considered being a pediatric surgeon. 

I almost decided to lay aside my writing, take a break from my blog and journal so that I could decide what to do. Until today, when I read Erin's blog. 

Erin continually inspires me in my blogging. I get weird glances when people find out I have a blog--I guess it's not cool enough for them? She has inspired me to keep blogging, even when I feel like it's in my way, to not give up on the idea of being an author of a book that helps people. She has inspired me to pursue my passion to help people. Why not do both? Write a book(s) to help people, and help precious little souls who are sick?

She not only inspires me to pursue my passions, but she also inspires me to pursue my Jesus. Erin loves the Lord so deeply and purely that it almost makes you feel guilty. Her beautiful passion for her Savior and serving Him should be an inspiration to all. She brings a little bit more oxygen into your fire for Christ, she reminds you what life is about--loving Jesus and following His will. 

Thank you, Erin James, for be an inspiration to me. 

-Your fellow blogger


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