Thursday, January 16, 2014

Let's be Honest

I should be doing school, but instead I'm here. But hey, this is furthering my skills and ambition in life, so taking a few minutes longer to do school doesn't kill! 

This is for all the girls, who know what it's like to be a girl. 

Let's face it, you boys do not know what it's like to be a girl. At all. And I know I know, us girls don't know what it's like to be a guy. But can't we all admit being a girl is a lot harder? 

Boys, you have like, 6 square inches to shave, if you're lucky. Girls? We have two entire freaking legs, and two armpits. 
Boys, the most you have to do for your hair is some gel, and maybe, maybe a blow drier, right? Us "women" have to figure out if we're going to curl it, straighten it, put it in a bun, leave it down, mousse, gel, hair spray, try to make it work when it's growing out. Complicated, right? And why do we spend so much time on it? Because we don't want to look like cave-women for you guys. 

Personally, I rarely dress for the guys, I dress for the general public, so I don't look like a lazy stoner. 

Boys can't even begin to understand the pain we go through...I'm not even going to get into details. We aren't ever exaggerating when we say its awful. The bloating, cramps all over your body, the break-outs, the roller coaster emotions.

Boyfriends, don't get mad at us because we're emotional, trust me when I say that we are trying our best to keep them hormones in check! It's not exactly our fault we cry over firemen saving kittens, or yell because the vampire diaries aren't on Netflix, or stop talking because our work-out was cut short. It the chemicals in our body that do that and we have very little control over that. So I'm sorry but deal with it. 

Being a guy can't be easy, sure. But you don't have to deal with the same difficulties, the difficulties that are much more difficult that yours. Just sayin'. 

So to all the girls out there reading, don't be sorry. Go ahead and watch that sad movie and cry all those tears out. Wear sweatpants all day and don't fix your hair. If guys had to do what we do, they'd do the same thing. Just be chill. We got this, heck, boys wouldn't be able to handle it.  

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