Saturday, December 2, 2017

BLOGMAS DAY 2: Our Christmas Tree

Good morning folks, day two of Blogmas is here!

Today I just wanted to share with you me and my boyfriend's first Christmas tree! We aren't living together, but my room is tiny, and I spend more time at his house anyway. So, we bought a tree and decorations and it was so much fun!

We originally were going to cut a tree down ourselves, but getting the permit was difficult with our work schedules, and then we had so many events over the weekend that made it difficult to make the time to go out and cut one down.

I found a great deal on an artificial tree at It was originally $100, but it was on sale for $69 with free in-store pick-up. To top it off, I had a Walmart gift card so it was even cheaper! I believe we got the 7.5-foot tree. It is actually really full for a fake tree, and it's pre-lit which saved us money on buying lights!

It was so much fun decorating the tree together while listening to Christmas music. It made me excited for the future, and all of the ornaments that we will collect over the years!

It will be such a fun tradition to decorate our tree on December 1st, listening to Christmas music, and hanging new ornaments that we bought for one another the year before.

We also have my 3-foot tree up that I got when I live in a dorm last year! (Unfortunately, my star no longer lights up, so the top is dark :( )

Hopefully, we will slowly be adding one or two more decorations to the house in the next week. Josh is keeping me in check, or else his house would be DECKED OUT.

What is your tree decorating tradition? Thanksgiving night, December first, or never? Let me know!

Merry Christmas!

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