Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dear Daddy,

Thank you. Thank you for doing all that you do, for leading your family, for living a God-honoring life. Thank you for setting the example of what a father should be, for what a husband should be. Thank you, for loving me in my darkest days. For putting your arms around me and telling me you love me. Thank you, for making me feel beautiful when I wanted to hate myself. Thank you, so much, for being my Daddy. 

I couldn't want a better father. I will always be your little girl, even if I am off in another country. You always make me feel wanted and loved, even in the most subtle of ways. When you hike up rocks with me to watch the moon rise, when you make me feel strong by asking me to do hard work, when you give me flowers on special days, when you buy me pretty smelling candles. 
Then there are the obvious ways of showing your love. When you hold me tight while I cry, when you tell me that I am too good for anyone, when you pray with me. There is never, ever going to be a doubt in my mind that you love me, and I hope there is never a doubt in yours that I love you. I will always love you, Dad. Forever.

You have been through so much while you have been a father. You have watched your wife nearly die, along with your first baby girl. You have buried a beautiful and sweet daughter. You have had your heart broken into a million pieces, you have been filled with pride for the accomplishments of your sons, you have had a hole in your heart filled up by a beautiful, curly-headed girl. You've faced cancer, you've faced discouragement, you've faced sadness and heart break.  

Dad, through all of this, you have shown me a million things. Here are a few: 
-You've shown me life is not always easy, and sometimes you can't be happy, but that doesn't mean you can't keep going. 
-You've shown me to work hard and do things alll the way. 
-You've shown me that I can be stronger through suffering 
-You've shown me that honoring God is the only important and worth-while thing in life. 
-You've shown me that there is a God who loves me no matter what.
-You've shown me that I can get back up and keep going. 
-You've shown me how to trust God with everything in me.
There are so many more things that I have learned from you, like how to properly use a staple gun and split fire wood (although I am not very good at it), and there are so many more things I will learn from you. 

You and I, we have seen each other at our lowest points in life. You have been there for me more than any one (besides mom of course). I am so so so thankful I have you. I am so blessed to have a father who loves me and treats me right. My heart breaks for those who don't have a father like you, and I am so much more than grateful for God's mercy in giving me you. 

Daddy, you are such a godly example to me and my siblings. You've taught us the love of God throughout our lives and have shown us what His love looks like through your actions. You shine the light of God every day, you work hard to make sure His word is known. You not only teach me God's word but you also teach a congregation. You are the best at being my Dad, and I can't say enough how thankful I am for you. 

Thank you, for being my Daddy. I love you so much. Happy Father's Day. 

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